digital painting of flowers
Visual artist Mari Kiisma profile picture


Hi there, my name is Mari Kiisma. I am a visual artist, and this is my art blog. This weblog isn’t about perfectly polished art but about beautiful chaotic creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or someone taking their first steps in drawing, I invite you to join this artistic journey. Together we can create a community to share useful tips, learn new art skills, look behind the creative business and tell authentic stories.

Latest Blog Posts

  • It has been a few weeks since I made my last post. I had hoped to write another post shortly after, but the following week, I experienced serious brain fog and sleepiness, which made it difficult to concentrate. This and the fear of......

  • Hello, and welcome to the first blog post! My vision for this art blog is to create a creative online journal that tells an artist’s story through authentic, inspiring, and educational content. While I cannot predict what will come out of it, I...

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